
Profit booking from long-term equity investments – does it work?

Background: I had written my first financial blogpost on the journey of a 17-year old SIP in Franklin India Prima Fund. The link to this post is included below. Many readers commented that it is not wise to stay invested and that one should periodically book profits when the markets were overvalued, or say, when the investment had doubled in value. These comments made me think – should I look at booking profits from my equity investments periodically, even if I do not need the money in the next 10 – 15 years? I therefore decided to do a statistical experiment on another long-standing investment that I had made in the year 2003 and 2004 and see if booking profits in those investments worked! The Investment: I invested a lumpsum amount of ₹ 10,000/- on 27-Feb-03 and ₹ 10,000/- on 23-Feb-04 in Franklin India Taxshield (FIT) for my tax savings investments for FY 2002-03 and 2003-04 respe

My SIP's 17-year journey in Franklin India Prima Fund (FIPF)

My SIP's 17-year journey in  Franklin India Prima Fund (FIPF) Today, when the Equity Markets across the globe have crashed and the investors, especially the ones who started their Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs) in the last 5 years, and are seeing the investments in red are extremely worried. This article is an effort to address them through a first-hand story of my SIP in Franklin India Prima Fund (FIPF). I am going to refer to the following graphical representation of the journey in this article. This chart shows the Amount Invested (₹) (in Orange Colour) and the Value of the Investment (₹) (in Green Colour) as on a particular date on the Y axis (both Left Hand Side) and the Net Asset Value (NAV in ₹) of the Fund (in Red Colour) again on the Y axis (on the Right Hand side). The X-Axis refers to the period of my investment in the Fund. I started this SIP on 1-Oct-2003 and the investment values are re-based to ₹ 100/- as on that date. There have been 198 m